We have a range of care packages and care plans, specifically designed for each of our service users, to make sure they receive the exact level of support needed.

We can support you with every aspect of your life, this includes:


Education and employment

Financial budgets and paying your bills

Accessing benefits


Interests, hobbies, and activities


Building positive relationships



Maintaining your tenancy



Arranging and attending health appointments

Understanding correspondence

Meal planning and cooking

Person-centred thinking

A person-centred approach ensures people who need support are recognised as individuals with strengths, preferences, rights, and choices over how they live their lives.

We follow a person-centred approach when designing care packages and care plans. Our service users can:

  • Help to design their own care plan
  • Provide input about who supports them and when
  • Participate in support reviews every 6 months, or as per their request

Arranging support

Often people with support needs have a link with social services, a care manager or an advocate who can help them access support services.

You can access our supported living services using direct payments, your own funds or with funding directly from the local authority.

Contact us for more information about accessing support.

What you can expect from us:

  • Supported living services in Medway and Kent
  • We work hard to provide the best care and support to our service users.
  • In compliance and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Medway Council.
  • Our staff are professional and trained to deliver services that are person-centred.
  • Housing and non-housing support packages – supporting individuals in their own home.
  • Continued support and encouragement for our service users, to work towards greater independence.
  • The use of modern technology to better processes for both staff and service users

Why choose Anchor?

  • Individualised support
  • Accredited online training courses
  • Weekly drop-in sessions and regular social activities open to all
  • Fully trained, dedicated and professional staff team
  • Established for over 30 years
  • Friendly, welcoming, and helpful support staff.
  • CQC regulated